Featured Good Karma Music Story from Kuching, Malaysia

This week’s featured story comes from Kuching, Malaysia where one of our storytellers visited and supported a colleague in the hospital in the spirit of the Dharma:
“When I was working in a small hospital, I liked to read the Buddha’s Dharma. One day, my colleague was admitted into my hospital. I visited him in the ward, as advised by the Dharma, and checked on what he needed. Then, we forgot about it and went on with our busy schedules. Several months later, I was being transferred to another hospital. Before my transfer, my colleague suddenly informed me of his gratitude. How much it meant to him, my previous hospital visit was. His sincerity caught me by surprise. I was amazed how a little act following the Dharma can touch people’s hearts, even though it was not done out of my own kindness, but out of reverence to the Dharma.”
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