Featured Good Karma Music Story from K L

This week’s story is “Cards of Kindness” by K L from London, who worked with their kids to make personalized Christmas cards to cheer others up.
“. . . My kids created Christmas cards and gave gifts to the mail carriers, who throughout this whole pandemic have been serving the community, delivering packages and parcels while we stay safe at home. The kids were excited to give the gifts and cards. The recipients were touched by the gesture, and said what made them really happy was the personalised cards from the kids. . . . We then decided to make more Christmas cards with good well-wishes and sent them to a care home, hoping it will cheer up some of the residents there especially at a difficult time where they can not see their families. I hope this will now be a yearly thing we do during Christmas, where the kids change their focus from what presents they want to what they can give to others.”
Tell us your act of kindness at Good Karma Music and get to choose a complimentary music album.