Featured Good Karma Music Story from the US

The first featured story of the year comes from someone in the USA, who helped make their sister’s birthday dream possible by making clay items for everyone to paint.
“My sister wanted to celebrate her birthday painting ceramics with her friends, but after realizing that it might be too expensive for everyone, I came up with an idea. I told her to ask her friends what they wanted to paint, and over the course of two weeks, I made the items they wanted out of air-dry clay. I went and bought more paint brushes, just to make sure they had enough to share. Her friends came over to our house and got to sit, talk, and laugh together while painting. I heard some of her friends say that it was their first time painting clay. At the end of the day, they all took home their finished pieces, smiling as they left. I’m really glad I could help them have this experience together.”
Trade a story of your act of kindness for albums at Good Karma Music.