Bright Moon now available on Good Karma Music

“The Moon Parable was originally told by the Buddha, and was unlike any story Ming had ever heard. As Grandmother told the parable in her gentle voice, she described how the Buddha-nature–the pure, wise essence within every living being–can be compared to the bright moon.”
– An excerpt from Bright Moon
The Mid-Autumn festival is quickly approaching, and we are excited to announce our first e-book offering, Bright Moon, is now available on Good Karma Music. Bright Moon, written by storyteller Brian Conroy and illustrated by Catrina Milner, is an original illustrated storybook.
Bright Moon is a tale of the love between a grandmother and her granddaughter. As a young girl, Ming is captivated by Grandmother’s stories about the moon. She becomes so enamored with the moon, she wants it for her very own. Grandmother sees Ming’s awakening curiosity about the moon as an opportunity to instill values and impart wisdom. When Ming becomes a young woman, Grandmother tells her the Moon Parable, a tale originally told by the Buddha.
Illuminating the Buddha’s parable, Grandmother uses the metaphor of the moon to teach Ming about her Buddha-nature and shine the light within her. Ming eventually inherits Grandmother’s legacy of storytelling and passes on the wisdom of Grandmother’s stories to her own grandchildren. A tender tale about wisdom, family, and the power of stories, Bright Moon shines with a warm light.
Click here to learn more about the creators behind Bright Moon and to view sample pages.
Get your e-book of Bright Moon for free by sharing a story of your own good deed at Good Karma Music.