Breathing In, Breathing Out

Music: Rev. Heng Sure

Lyrics: Adapted from The Shurangama Sutra by Rev. Heng Sure

In the Shurangama Sutra, twenty-five Sages each tell Manjushri Bodhisattva their preferred method for reaching “Perfect Understanding”. Venerable Sundarananda gives advice on meditation through mindfulness of the breath.

Sundarananda tried to meditate,

But he couldn’t get it straight,

So he asked the World Honored One, To teach him how to concentrate.

Breathing in, breathing out,

Outside in, inside out,

Buddha’s mind, big and bright, Watch your breath, and fill with light.

My mind was scattered, too many outflows, The Buddha pointed to the tip of my nose, Focus on the whiteness, patiently,

Observe your breath how it comes and goes.

Breathing in, breathing out,

Outside in, inside out,

Buddha’s mind, big and bright, Watch your breath, and fill with light.

Watch your breath, you will find,

At first like smoke, then it refines,

The breath turns white, then an inner light, Lights the world, from your body and mind.

Breathing in, breathing out,

Outside in, inside out,

Buddha’s mind, big and bright, Watch your breath, and fill with light.

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