Praise the Buddha

Music: WIlliam Walker “Amazing Grace”

Lyrics: Traditional Buddhist verses translated and adapted by Rev. Heng Sure

This wonderful song is traditionally sung only on Buddha’s Birthday, during the full moon in May. I translated it and added three verses hoping to make it available to sing year-round.

Upon the earth, below the sky, the Buddha has no peer, In Ten Directions everywhere, he is beyond compare.

He’s gone beyond duality, he’s never born again,

With wisdom bright he blesses me, he knows my joy and pain.

He walked the Noble Middle Way, with strength and purity, In dark of night and light of day, his kindness touches me.

He’s not divine, but he’s awake, he’s neither come nor gone, I find him in each blade of grass, he is the wisdom sun.

I’ve searched around this whole wide world, and now I can declare, You’ll never find a wiser one, than Buddha anywhere.

You’ll never find a wiser one, than Buddha anywhere.

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