愛護小動物, 不忍見殺生.
I was educated in a Buddhist school. I didn’t care the wisdom I had learnt while I was a student. However, while I grew up, I found I was deeply affected by the wisdom. All things happened behind the world always follow the rule and I want to know more. I changed my view on using money and like to service . Wish can build more connection to people under kindness. I am so happy I can find this website by 緣份。wonderful music and can feel full of great love.
Picking up garbage in the mountain
I took my 6-year old daughter to pick up garbage in the mountain and keep the environment clean. We wish our small act can bring people a pleasant hiking experience. The clean-up of the mountain is also a clean-up of our mind. I will follow Buddha’s teachings and become a better self everyday till the day I come back to my true self. Thank you Master Hua and all the masters in 萬佛聖城. Thanks for the great music which is so inspiring and encouraging.!
Buddhist Lego Story
Me and a couple of my Buddhist friends made a Buddhist story out of lego. We also got some kids to do the voice-over for the video. We want to spread the Buddhist stories in a fun way. Also when kids helping to do the voice-over they will learn Buddha’s teaching. We want to create a program that kids can learn more about Buddha’s teaching by getting involved with some fun video making. Here is our first Buhhdism lego story video and we are wrapping up the 2nd story. Namo Amitabha.
Buddhism Lego Story
Me and a couple of my Buddhist friends made a Buddhist story out of lego. We also got some kids to do the voice-over for the video. We want to spread the Buddhist stories in a fun way. Also when kids helping to do the voice-over they will learn Buddha’s teaching. We want to create a program that kids can learn more about Buddha’s teaching by getting involved with some fun video making. Here is our first Buhhdism lego story video and we are wrapping up the 2nd story. Namo Amitabha.
I’ve been a Christian for many years and only recently I’ve discovered Buddhism and read what it teaches. Now I appreciate the lives of animals more. I have recently buried any dead animals I’ve come across on the streets and hope they’ll have a good next life.
Change of Attitude Toward Other Living Beings
When I was a kid, I’d like to “play” with ants. I would pick up one or several ants into a container full of water. Then, I would watch them swim, struggle… A lot of them may have died just for that. I used to think it is no big deal and even “enjoyed” the scene. After I read some texts on not killing by Venerable Master Hsuan Hua, I realized what a crime I have committed. The old me would just kill flies and mosquitoes when they are around. Now, I would try to catch them and then release them back to the nature. Amitofo 小時候的我喜歡跟螞蟻“玩耍”。有時會把他們放到盛滿水的容器裡,看著他們游泳,掙扎… 許多螞蟻或許因此此死掉。以前我會覺得很好玩。當我讀過宣化上人關於戒殺生的文字後,我感到以前那種行爲真是罪過。以前的我看到蒼蠅,蚊子之類的會儘量殺死他們。現在,我會先抓住他們,然後把他們放回到大自然裡。阿彌陀佛
节约能源 我们在家里为了节约水电费,会很自觉的节约用水用电。自从看了上宣下化老和尚的事迹:为了饥饿的人们,自愿日中一食,把省下的俩顿饭给别人吃,何等的无私奉献精神!受上人启发,现在出去饭店吃饭时,住酒店,所有的免费提供的纸巾,水,电等等,饭菜也尽量吃光,都像在家里一样节约。更值得欣慰的是老公也特别节约了:住酒店,走出房间,房间里面本来是给我们插备用取电卡,房卡随时带走,老公走之前都要关掉空调,以节省用电。勿以善小而不为,愿大家都能从小处着手,为国家为世界节约能源!阿弥陀佛!!!
Power-Wash Clean
I’ve been power-washing the sidewalks and steps at my community hoping that washing away all the dirt and moss will make the place filled with more yang energy. “Power-wash clean, power-wash clean, power-wash clean.” Who knows? Maybe if I’m extra sincere, I can become enlightened with this method 😉