Supporting education in Kindness
I am a teacher by profession. I teach first grade school children in a California public school and this is my 20th year. This year has been exceptionally hard for young kids as everyone has to do distance learning in my school district. To liven things up and make my class zoom lessons more interesting, I decided to incorporate thematic teaching with Sharing that kids can do. So in October, they shared the different colors of fall leaves they can find and made leaf books. For November, we did stories on the meaning of Thanksgiving – what we are thankful for, and I shared the unfertilized egg from a mourning…
There Is Always Something Good Inside and Around You
As a DRBU Masters Course graduate student, there is always a vivid memory of my time there beating strongly inside my grateful heart, especially after having left California so abruptly and unexpectedly due to COVID-19. Back home, having left everything, and wanting to immerse myself in “retreat-mode” to be able to sink in everything that I learned and experienced in DRBU, I suddenly found myself faced to the reality of the demands of such situation. So my expectations of a peaceful retreat disolved as the number of people I had to begin to help psychotherapeutically for free increased dramatically. I had so much wanted to have the time to go…
A Free Meal
I was fortunate to work at a company where I received a free lunch each working day during the COVID-19 pandemic. Besides getting a free lunch, I also get to take another free vegetarian lunch box home if there’s any left over by the end of the day. One day on my way home, I saw a homeless man about middle age drove a bicycle to his tent which camped next to the freeway entrance. Within a split second, I thought to myself, how fortunate I am to have free lunch at work and even get to take home a second free meal sometimes. I was overwhelmed with so much…
Graduation season
Sent individual emails to students who are graduating this semester and let them know their precious qualities and wishes each of them a joyful and rewarding life!
Sponsor Gifts for Children in Need This Holiday
I sponsored gifts for children who are in need for this holiday. I volunteered to sponsor 4 children. I spoke to my housemate about this wonderful event that my coworker is doing. She happily sponsored 1 child. It was a wonderful thing to spread the love and compassion to these young kids. Their smiles and joys are priceless. I’m grateful for the opportunity to do good deeds in this wonderful time of the year. Wishing everyone have a wonderful holidays. Stay healthy and be safe.
Can’t Run Away from Your Teachers
This is a little long winded, but a true story. There is a certain type of personality (reminds me of a family member) that can be harsh, judgmental, perfectionist, bossy, and critical (let me also add makes mountains out of mole hills and complains) that triggers a strong uncomfortable emotion in me. I had a coworker that I would see day in and day out that had this personality. We had a fall out and the tension between us with immense. I prayed and meditated, but still the tension persisted. I was so uncomfortable that I left that site and transferred to another site, hoping my coworkers would be easier…
Donating Winter Clothings
Yesterday I supported a program organized by a youth group from a local Buddhist temple by donating some winter coats. These youths are collecting winter clothing and then help to distribute it to people who needs it. They were very thoughtful by reminding us to wash the clothes first and carefully label all items and to follow all the safety precaution measures during this pandemic time when we drop off the items. I applause the good deeds these youth are doing!
Buddha Root Fam Malaysia 2019
So far, in my life, I thought the relationship between songs and Buddhist is not close until I joined the Buddha Root Farm Malaysia in 2019. At BRFM 2019, Rev Heng Sure has lighten my mind by carry out the buddha’s teaching, songs, “puppet” show, and etc. At there, the buddha songs, explanation, open discussion and activities, really touched a chord with me. Also, the Q&A at there is convincing. After a year, I can still remember vividly the teaching and songs. Definitely, I will invite others to join BRFM.
Between the North and the South is the Centre
My story of kindness is a kind of a ‘loooooong story’ but cutting the long story short it’s the 18 page Dharma article about Theravada and Mahayana schools living together in harmony. I’ve written that for my Dharma brothers and I’m thinking now what would be the best way to share it 🙂
Small good deeds
I’m a grad student studying chemistry. During this pandemic, I did a 50-minutes run to work at school in most of days. And recently, when I saw garbage along the pavement, I would picked it up and threw it into a garbage can.