Sharing Good Buddhist song to kid
Hello, i am teaching basic Buddhism class regularly to kids at GCDR. Song with good principles help in a good communication way to draw attention from kids and kid learn from Buddhism song i shared with them..Hope can share song from this album to the kids too.
Rene Cheng
Giving Tuesday
Donated to Doctors Without Borders on Giving Tuesday, today! May this world be peaceful!
It’s good to apply
Our good deed was applying the wisdom of the Buddha Dharma in our everyday, when among all folks from all walks of life. To guide them through safely so that whatever pains they encounter, need not hurt. Whatever harms they form, be harmless so transformed. Whatever they lack in proper confidence, be of courage in upright response. Namo Amituofo …()…
There is an old lady, living by herself, in my neighborhood. I have met and known her for quite a number of years from the Temple. I went to visit her sometimes when she did not show up at the temple. One time I happen to bring some “Great Compassion Water” (DA-BEI SHUI) to her, and found her not feeling well, later lying on the bed and feeling dizzy, so I quickly pour the “Great Compassion Water” in a cup and let her have a sip, and contacted her next of kin by phone. I kept reciting the “Great Compassion Mantra” by her bedside and stayed there with her until…
I was SCUBA diving in Honduras at 70 feet into the deep blue with a master diver as my partner. A group of us were out together on an exhibition. We all saw a huge sea turtle swimming past us. Two men decided to chase after the turtle but to no avail in getting any closer. On the contrary, the turtle was swimming further and faster away from them. Me and my partner for the day (master diver) just stayed put and watched the turtle now from 30 feet away. Just then I had a thought… Grand Master Xu Yun in his biography mentioned about saving the sea creatures. I…
Transfer good roots
When I’ve been practiced Buddha Dharma deeper and deeper recently, I really want to change myself to be a good person with reducing my greedy, hatred and stupidity. I vow to be Buddha’s disciple every life and practice sincerely as much as I can to save any beings related to me specially my kindness parents. I really want to have wisdom to guide people to believe in Buddhism and end birth and death.
I promised chickens that I won’t eat them if I had the choice
I travel on the highway to work and often see trucks of chicken stacked in plastic cages in transit, I assume, on their way to slaughter. For many times I just prayed for them, may they leave the chicken body and reborn in better place. One day while driving behind the chicken truck, looking at them cramped together, I feel that it resembles the living conditions in Hong Kong, where the property price is so high that many people can’t afford a bigger space, they had to cook in the toilet or rent a sleeping place in small cages. Just like the chickens in front of me! So I made…
Lending Some Tangibles…and Intangibles
Last Sunday I spent the day with a small organization that goes by Renegade Feedings. Their mission is to not only help those experiencing homelessness by providing them with items like clothing, personal care, and snacks, but more importantly to spend time with them; listen to them; see them as human beings. And that is exactly what we did. We spend about two hours at what many would call a homeless encampment. I saw it more as a community. There were about 20 living there in tents, but only half a dozen or so were around at the time. I got to meet Irene, Ellie, Lolita, Alex, Ben, and David…
Providing inexpensive dental work to those who really needs them
I’ve been trying my best to be a fair dentist and to provide dental work at an inexpensive price for those in need. However, sometimes it can be frustrating when people states they are on MediCal and claim to have financial strain, but in mind, I don’t feel like they are. Or when patients first reaction is to haggle. So perhaps, I’ll have to try harder to give and to understand money – a work in progress.