Act of Kindness Stories

Act of Kindness Stories

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    балерина фигуристка взлом балерина фигуристка взлом P.S Live ID: K89Io9blWX1UfZWv3ajv P.S.S Программы и игры для Андроид телефона Программы и игры для Андроид телефона Программы и игры для Андроид телефона 255ffd9

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    As I was observing my mind, I realized that the negative, judgemental, fearful ‘self’ sometimes takes charge – especially towards people who have brought pain to my life. The loss turns into pain. Being abused leads to hatred. Every encounter creates suffering. So I sincerely transfer merits, daily, to those who have created these affiliations in my mind. Also admitting the fact that some people in my life don’t treat themselves compassionately. So they couldn’t treat others compassionately. I will try to brighten my mind until I have enough capacity to brighten the minds of others.

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    我学习如何独立而不伤害祂们 我使用美好的有香气沙子去渐渐铺满坛场的地面 我去尝试提供给鸟儿一些食物,为猫准备水 去学习神性层次的“不暴力淫欲”,因为暴力与淫欲在人性深处纠缠得极其深厚,但如同水火,尝试体会“不暴力淫欲”,从观照的层次,两体相破,终归于空。自在无系,归于清泰。

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    We hold yesterday a one day meditation practice of sila samadhi pañña from 10 to 17hr here in my home.

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    I had two small apples that I was going to snack on during my long drive home, but a lady was standing out in the rain asking for food/help, so I rolled down my window and gave them to her.

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    Students would like to share their good deeds with Dharma Radio: Second graders: Adela Lu – I am helping my mom to keep my room clean, and I gave a piece of snack to my friend. Claire Cheng – I help my parents do the dishes and I greet my parents “good morning” and I say “thank you”. Johnson Tran – I gave my sister my seaweed pack (it’s my favorite snack). Mia Young – I am kind to nature around me. Jessica Ran – Today, I helped Johnson at recess. Sheryl Ma – I am respectful to my parents, and I follow the lunch rules today. Third graders: Ava…

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    I kept a portion of each lunch dishes for a late comer so that he could enjoy the lunch as everyone else.