Act of Kindness Stories
Act of Kindness Stories
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微信的钱包功能可以开启腾讯公益,我在其中选择了一些不会直接杀生的项目,如山区孩子干净饮用水,白色病房孩子的彩绘课,年老母亲关怀补给包。我设置为每月一捐,其中也可以设置一天一捐的,我自己设置的金额为30元,也就是每月向这些项目自动捐30元。希望能帮到他们。 WeChat’s wallet function can open Tencent’s public welfare, and I chose some projects that won’t directly kill animals, such as clean drinking water for children in mountainous areas, painting classes for children in white wards, and care and supply packages for elderly mothers. I set it as one donation every month, and we can also set it as one donation every day. The amount I set myself is 30 yuan, that is, I automatically donate 30 yuan to these projects every month. I hope to help them.
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Today I conducted an hour of mindfulness on sitting and walking meditation for the AWE( Age Well Everyday) at Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery
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I would like to share a few good deeds because I hope to be able to do as many as possible in a day and whenever I can. I just hope we can live in a better place, n give hope to people who may need our help. I work in a medical clinic. One elderly came to the clinic and she has a bruise on one eye and blood stains on her nose. My heart ached when I saw her. I asked if she wanted some water but she declined. I went to get some wet tissue to clean the blood stains but they would not come off. After…
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I lid the incense stick to the guanyin in my house, and also 供养水. I am also going to Singapore buddhist lodge today for lesson
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I reminded my landlord of her cellphone on the table, which she almost forgot to bring when she was about to go outside
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Today, I picked up a dead pigeon from a road and buried it.
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Share of no killing to our foreign colleagues. Telling them moment they accept my explanation, their life has an immediate good turn of 360 degrees as our compassionate mind can change the universe.
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I bought two boxes of ice-cream (10 in each box) for the foreign workers by the estate I am staying. These workers were having lunch at the void deck. The weather was so hot, and just thought this little ice-cream could help to cool them down , and a dessert after their lunch.
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I bought two boxes of ice-cream (10 in each box) for the foreign workers by the estate I am staying. These workers were having lunch at the void deck. The weather was so hot, and just thought this little ice-cream could help to cool them down , and a dessert after their lunch.
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Help 2 tired elderly tourist to get a cab to reach their destination