Act of Kindness Stories

Act of Kindness Stories

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    One day, a woman came to the city from afar. She didn’t have enough money with her. She forgot to bring her ATM card. Although she said she could borrow cash and transfer it to me, I told her that she didn’t need it. I could use the cash. For helping, if you insist on repaying me, then you can help the next person in need and let the kindness of the world circulate.

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    I am a middle class American woman who has studied Hinduism and Buddhism. I had a small investment in a company that failed. As the bankruptcy company sold off the failed company’s assets, I began to get quarterly checks. At first, I spent the money on myself. But when the checks reached $108, which is a sacred number in HInduism, I felt called to give the money away. I gave it to individuals who needed a financial boost. One time, I gave it to a young man starting out with his first guitar. Another time, an acquaintance had a big tree fall in her yard, and the money was to…

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    I was a Meals on Wheels volunteer in Austin, Texas. One day I knocked on the door of a recipient and announced “Meals on Wheels!” A man opened the door. He was crying. I asked why. He replied that his dog had died and he was not able to bury him. I used my cell phone to call Meals on Wheels office and right away they sent someone to bury his dog.

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    I saved 75 Green Crabs from being used as bait, and 20 eels from being used as bait. 4 lobsters too

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    Trying my Best to be a better human beings by transforming my harmful tendencies

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    Simply being at a rest area in Spain for over 30 hours and sitting and bowing for inner peace and world peace in order to find the strength and energy to forgive those in whom I had trusted but who had been dishonest and harmful. #HealingThanksToDharma #PatienceParamita

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    The good deed I did was for myself. Four years ago, I was lost. As a lifelong Catholic, my faith had always been my anchor, but I found myself drifting and searching for deeper meaning and peace. That’s when I was introduced to Buddhism. I’m so blessed to have inherited both religious traditions from my mom (Buddhism) and dad (Catholic) It has changed me completely to be a better version of myself.

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    This year I fell in love with a city, Marsilla. Then a girl, youth F. In 90 days I have traveled with her to Altea 🇪🇸, Nice 🇫🇷, Roma, Naples and Sorrento 🇮🇹 and thanks to her I have renewed 10 vows in front of the Virgin Maria of the Trevi Fountain. Her deafening silence after I have shared my fifth vow became a blessing: she has helped me to learn to transform the anger and hatred into positive energy • to transform passion into Love with a capital L Today I will be back in Marsilla. I really would like to see her for a last time. However, for…

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    I am trying to respond with wisdom to a colleague who is slandering me.