Act of Kindness Stories
Act of Kindness Stories
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My parents live in Malaysia while I in the US. It is very rare that I get to be together with them. Whenever I get together with them, I will try my best to take them along with me to participate in any sorts of Buddhist event because I know dharma is the best gift that I can give to my parents. So this has been my way of repaying their kindness to me. During their most recent visit. I took them to visit a Pacific Hermitage, a Hermitage along the Columbia gorge in the state of Washington. AJahn Sudanto along with two other monks was residing there at the…
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Donate different items to different friends. It is a good feeling to be generous.
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There’s a student studying to be a physical therapist who is staying with us. College students don’t have much money and just barely getting by. She works several jobs and is rarely home. I usually offer her some fruits or any food that I cook so that she can have some healthy food to eat. She’s always so appreciative and happy to accept the food.
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Now, I have been practicing gratitude towards the Four Field of Grace
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The good deed is one that is done several times a week and comes in many forms. I volunteer in a second grade classroom and lead environmental trips for Audubon. I teach Dhamma and meditation classes to people in various types of recovery. I facilitate recovery meetings. I help my 92 year old mother 5-7 days a week. I follow the eightfold path and keep the five precepts everyday.
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我的新房子,冬天物业公司送了赠品–毛线织成的门把套,好看又防寒,冬天开门不冻手。就在前天,被几个小孩子给撸走了。门把手是不锈钢的,没有把套,开门关门时,手都很凉。如果是以前我会很生气,会想办法拿回来或者会在业主群里面开骂(年前就有业主因为此事骂过)。 现在我的处理办法是:心平气和地提醒家长们,孩子出于贪玩或者喜欢门把套拿走就走吧,但要和户主打声招呼。否则意义就不一样了。勿以恶小而为之。 我认为这也是一个善的行为。事情虽小,但也能看出来我自己的改变。 阿弥陀佛
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Massage a monastic practitioner’s arm to ease and tame the pain
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Help a friend who doesn’t know much about computer redeem online credit card point for gift cards.
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When I first entering PhD, I lost the social life that I got used to, and I even felt that it was a waste of the “precious” work time if I went out just for social. After for a while, insulation and pressure came to me. When looking at the homeless on the street, I could even feel their pain. Then, I decided to buy some food for them whenever I am free or stressful. Eventually, this purchasing action became the volunteer work in a food distribution organization. I felt a sense of contribution and belonging. Now I can handle my stress easily and have better skill of helping homeless.…