Good Karma Music Stories
- Post Title (1/26/2025) by Robson Almeida from Caeté, Minas Gerais
We hold yesterday a one day meditation practice of sila samadhi pañña from 10 to 17hr here in my home.
- Post Title (1/15/2025) by Lydia from USA
- Post Title (12/28/2024) by bobo from China
Help the elderly recite Amitabha
- Post Title (11/22/2024) by Busy Bee from San Francisco, CA
I had two small apples that I was going to snack on during my long drive home, but a lady was standing out in the rain asking for food/help, so I rolled down my window and gave them to her.
- Post Title (10/23/2024) by Second and Third Grade Class of 2024/25 at City of 10,000 Buddhas from Ukiah
Students would like to share their good deeds with Dharma Radio:
Second graders: Adela Lu – I am helping my mom to keep my room clean, and I gave a piece of snack to my friend.
Claire Cheng – I help my parents do the dishes and I greet my parents “good morning” and I say “thank you”.
Johnson Tran – I gave my sister my seaweed pack (it’s my favorite snack).
Mia Young – I am kind to nature around me.
Jessica Ran – Today, I helped Johnson at recess.
Sheryl Ma – I am respectful to my parents, and I follow the lunch rules today.Third graders: Ava Chong – I cheered for my best friend today.
Annie Adams – I did my chores, and I remember what I need to do for homework. - Post Title (10/21/2024) by Priscilla Feng from Burnaby Canada
I kept a portion of each lunch dishes for a late comer so that he could enjoy the lunch as everyone else.
- Post Title (10/18/2024) by Rendy goh from Singapore
Greet elderly