Good Karma Music Stories

  • Post Title (9/6/2022) by lr from 中国山东临沂沂水


  • Post Title (9/6/2022) by lr from 中国山东临沂沂水


  • Post Title (9/4/2022) by Jonathan, Denning from Houston, USA

    We practice for the full enlightenment of the world, others, and loved ones.

  • Post Title (8/30/2022) by Kimhoa from ukiah, u.s.a.

    I met a young lady with her ten year old child standing outside of a 7-eleven convenient store. As I walked out of the store, she and I had a conversation and I gave her my phone number. Later that evening, she called and asked if I could help her and her daughter by allowing her to stay at my home. I lived in a one bedroom apartment and gave them my bedroom while I slept in the parlor on the floor. I took days off from work to take her to find employment.

  • Post Title (8/30/2022) by kimhoa mercier from ukiah, u.s.a.

    While stopping at a convenient store in Houston, Texas late at night. I was approached by a man whom was pushing a woman in a wheel chair. They asked for money. Just then, a derange man came out from a dumpster and punched me in the face and took off. I knew then I was being robbed by the three persons. I was confused from the punch in the face. The lady in the wheel chair apologized for wanting to rob me. I offered her to accompany home and live with me so she can have shelter and get her life together and detox from drugs. She refused to take me up on my offer. I reached into my wallet and gave her what cash I had in hand so she can make it one more day.

  • Post Title (8/12/2022) by Kimhoa M. from Las Vegas, U.S.A.

    I taught a young lady whom suffers from addictions and mental illness to recite the ‘SEVEN BUDDHA NAMES’ and ‘HEART OF SHURANGAMA MANTRA’. She has memorized them both. I gifted her a Lapis Lazuli stone 108 beads mala so she could keep track of her recitations. In return, she asked me to create youtube videos of the Seven Buddha Names so she can always recite with someone in the background in which I had done as requested. She becomes very happy when I make a request of listening to her recite by memorization forwards and backwards to test her memorization skills.

  • Post Title (8/12/2022) by screen name please from Kuching, Malaysia

    When I was working in a small hospital, I liked to read Buddha’s Dharma. One day, my colleague was admitted into my hospital. I visited him in the ward, as advised by dharma. And checked on what he needed. Then, we forgot about it and went on with our busy schedule.

    Several months later, I was being transferred to another hospital. Before my transfer, my colleague suddenly informed me his gratitude. How much it meant to him, my previous hospital visit was. His sincerity caught me by surprise. I was amazed how little act by following the dharma can touch people’s heart. Even though it was not done out my own kindness, but out of reverence to the dharma.