Good Karma Music Stories

  • I dana here and there (5/27/2021) by Menghis Khan from Santa Cruz, CA, USA

    I just gave away some significant percentage of my annual income, as I do on every Vesak Day.

  • Helping with household chores (5/27/2021) by Alyssa T from Milpitas, CA


  • Animal Liberation (5/26/2021) by Westley Foong from Penang, Malaysia

    I had the opportunity to participate in animal liberation this year (before lockdown) and it was amazing, as I have never done it in my hometown before. Freeing the animals and reciting prayers so they may achieve precious rebirth and enlightenment in next life is simply wonderful, made me feel that animals are not meant for human consumption, as they deserve to be alive as well. It also motivated me to do other good deeds such as food donations for the poor and oxygen tanks funding for India, so knowing that every little bit of good deed may help others along the way. I’m grateful to discover the Dharma way.

  • Vesak 2021 (5/26/2021) by Li Xian from Singapore

    This morning, i attended a virtual wesak celebration organised by a team of amazing Singapore Buddhist organizations. I also participated in “The Great Metta Sit” campaign to donate money to important Ngos with each minutes translate to a dollar. At the end of the session, i dedicated all the merits of my metta meditation and by attending to the event to all my loved ones and to the world.

  • Lending strength (5/26/2021) by Kusuma from Singapore

    On Vesak morning, I share my time to support a mother who had to deal with the prospect of relating the event of her daughter’s death. Lending strength for her to deal with her fear and distress.

  • 助念往生 (5/20/2021) by 果昇 from Muar, Malaysia

    1978年,宣化上人师父到麻坡净业寺弘法,当时我 一岁,感恩爸爸让我有缘的皈依了师父。 爸爸在八零年代,组织了妙音念佛会,免费的为将要往生的佛友组念,推广放生和共修念阿弥陀佛。 从一个人单枪匹马到现在已经有一群发心的佛友,当中很多都是往生者的家属。。。 在2014年,爸爸在一群佛友的组念下,往生了西方极乐世界,火化后,有舍利子,其中有一粒金色和一粒银色的舍利子,极为殊深。 阿弥陀佛!

  • save me from sick (5/18/2021) by David Liu from DaLian China

    I have studied Drama for nearly seven years. When I was in colleage I had a big lower back pain, I lay in bed all night with my eyes open, thinking of my miserable life. Then unconsciusly I found a video in website, it was a master monk teaching Mahabana Sutra, when I heard that the Buddha knew the mushroom was poisonous but he eated and enter Nirvana, I was sincerely touched by the budda’s selfless and sincere. Later on I knew the reason why I had this lower back pain. I truly appreacite the Master Hua and his disciple Heng sure’s work for the world. Amitabha.