Good Karma Music Stories

  • heart (3/19/2021) by thomas lai from hk


  • Donate To Sick Person (3/18/2021) by Ren Jian from Shanxi, China

    There are many people in this world who are sick but cannot afford medical expenses. My father was in this predicament two years ago. Fortunately, we got a lot of help from people. Before that, I sometimes donated money when I saw someone asking for help on the Internet. But after that, as long as I see someone asking for help, I will definitely donate no matter how much money I can help. Because I have been helped by others, but also know the despair and helplessness of people who are sick but eager to use money to treat the disease.

  • Student (3/16/2021) by Otto from Hong kong

    愛護小動物, 不忍見殺生.

  • Student (3/15/2021) by Rayland from Hong kong

    I was educated in a Buddhist school. I didn’t care the wisdom I had learnt while I was a student.
    However, while I grew up, I found I was deeply affected by the wisdom. All things happened behind the world always follow the rule and I want to know more. I changed my view on using money and like to service . Wish can build more connection to people under kindness. I am so happy I can find this website by 緣份。wonderful music and can feel full of great love.

  • Picking up garbage in the mountain (3/1/2021) by Bella Wang from Hong Kong

    I took my 6-year old daughter to pick up garbage in the mountain and keep the environment clean. We wish our small act can bring people a pleasant hiking experience. The clean-up of the mountain is also a clean-up of our mind. I will follow Buddha’s teachings and become a better self everyday till the day I come back to my true self.

    Thank you Master Hua and all the masters in 萬佛聖城. Thanks for the great music which is so inspiring and encouraging.!

  • Buddhist Lego Story (2/26/2021) by Jeff Hsu from Alhmabra, CA, USA

    Me and a couple of my Buddhist friends made a Buddhist story out of lego. We also got some kids to do the voice-over for the video. We want to spread the Buddhist stories in a fun way. Also when kids helping to do the voice-over they will learn Buddha’s teaching. We want to create a program that kids can learn more about Buddha’s teaching by getting involved with some fun video making. Here is our first Buhhdism lego story video and we are wrapping up the 2nd story. Namo Amitabha.

  • Buddhism Lego Story (2/26/2021) by Jeff Hsu from Alhambra, USA

    Me and a couple of my Buddhist friends made a Buddhist story out of lego. We also got some kids to do the voice-over for the video. We want to spread the Buddhist stories in a fun way. Also when kids helping to do the voice-over they will learn Buddha’s teaching. We want to create a program that kids can learn more about Buddha’s teaching by getting involved with some fun video making. Here is our first Buhhdism lego story video and we are wrapping up the 2nd story. Namo Amitabha.