Good Karma Music Stories

  • [email protected] (2/25/2021) by 李冬霞 from 中国黑龙江省鸡西市


  • Ms (2/17/2021) by Jan from Sydney, Au

    I’ve been a Christian for many years and only recently I’ve discovered Buddhism and read what it teaches. Now I appreciate the lives of animals more.
    I have recently buried any dead animals I’ve come across on the streets and hope they’ll have a good next life.

  • Change of Attitude Toward Other Living Beings (2/12/2021) by anonymous from

    When I was a kid, I’d like to “play” with ants. I would pick up one or several ants into a container full of water. Then, I would watch them swim, struggle… A lot of them may have died just for that. I used to think it is no big deal and even “enjoyed” the scene. After I read some texts on not killing by Venerable Master Hsuan Hua, I realized what a crime I have committed. The old me would just kill flies and mosquitoes when they are around. Now, I would try to catch them and then release them back to the nature. Amitofo

    小時候的我喜歡跟螞蟻“玩耍”。有時會把他們放到盛滿水的容器裡,看著他們游泳,掙扎… 許多螞蟻或許因此此死掉。以前我會覺得很好玩。當我讀過宣化上人關於戒殺生的文字後,我感到以前那種行爲真是罪過。以前的我看到蒼蠅,蚊子之類的會儘量殺死他們。現在,我會先抓住他們,然後把他們放回到大自然裡。阿彌陀佛

  • [email protected] (2/7/2021) by 云达 from 中国内蒙古包头市


  • Power-Wash Clean (2/6/2021) by Qin Xin from Ukiah, USA

    I’ve been power-washing the sidewalks and steps at my community hoping that washing away all the dirt and moss will make the place filled with more yang energy. “Power-wash clean, power-wash clean, power-wash clean.” Who knows? Maybe if I’m extra sincere, I can become enlightened with this method 😉

  • Metta for all (2/6/2021) by anonymous from Australia

    Donated funds to charitable causes and monasteries. Recited the Shurangama and Great Compassion mantra for the benefit of all throughout the dhamma realm

  • Returned Thor home (1/30/2021) by Snow Rodriguez from Canton

    We have a dog that keeps getting out of his owners control. He shows up to play with my dog through our fence. His name at our home is Thor. Thor is a beautiful animal that looks and acts much like my dog that I had for most of my adult life. He passed two years ago. Thor has different eyes, and a different color. That doesn’t change the fact that I feel Maximus when Thor comes to visit. Thor was in danger of being taken by animal control on his last escape. We returned him home and told the animal control officer that Thor was not a danger to anyone and in fact, was most welcome at his choosing to return. I was aware animals were coming to bring me messages. Thor only comes when my brain is full and I need to run and play with him.