Good Karma Music Stories

  • My family COVID-19 experience (1/25/2021) by Tio Jun Yong from Petaling Jaya, Malaysia

    I am from Malaysia and I work as a Retail Sale Assistant in an Computer shop. Recently my teammate in my Department was tested positive for COVID-19. Everyone in the shop were then required to go for a COVID-19 Swap test. At the same time my niece classmate was also tested positive for the same virus. While awaiting for the test result in home quarantine session for 14 days. I pray and bows to the Shurangama assembly for Buddhas and Bodhisattva, Kuan Shi Yin Bodhisattva, Earth Store Bodhisattva and Venerable Master Hsuan Hua for a near miss from the COVID-19 virus for myself and my niece. I have been bowing and praying to the Buddha, Bodhisattva and Venerable Master for 7 years every night. It just a 12 bows per night and I miss 70 nights of bowing during these 7 years. I was hoping that the Buddhas would be most compassionate to allow me and my niece to come out with a non-detected test result and no symptoms during the 14 days self quarantine.

    Eventually after 14 days, I and my niece came out without contracting the virus. Although it was a near miss but I taken it as a respond from the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Venerable Master Hua. Because of the bowing and prayers every night, I was able to save myself and also save my niece life. She does not know that I pray and bow for her but she came out to be fine. I hope that the act of praying and bowing for her safety in front of the Buddha can be consider a good deed. Most importantly she is safe now and healthy.

    I am currently back to work in the front liner situation and I pray that I and my family will continue to be safe from the virus. I also continue to pray that an effective vaccine will quickly be available for everyone in the world as soon as possible. Been praying for the vaccine for a year now but it has yet been available for everyone in the world. Only available in certain country. I am just one person and my prayer’s strength is not sufficient to help 7.8 billion people in the world. .

    I hope more people will pray and bow to the Buddha to quickly end the COVID-19 pandemic. Amitoufo.

  • Clean the Dharma hall in a monastery (1/25/2021) by anonymous from China

    Today’s afternoon, I went to the Dharma hall and join in the work of cleaning the second floor of the dharma hall. I thought that everyone putting their effort will attain bliss through this work.

  • I took my mom to Mountain Wutai in China (1/24/2021) by Zhongni Zhu from Los Angeles, America

    Due to the reason that I have studied in America, before I came back, I invited my mom to go to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas with me. Of course, she offered me all the money that I need to study and travel which I appreciated very much, my dharma friends also helped a lot. So when I came back to China and worked for about half of a year and earned some money, I invited my mom to travel to Mountain Wutai with me, which is the school of Wenshu Bodhisattva, which is really meaningful for both me and her.

  • I don’t want to own an animal’s skins bag. (1/24/2021) by 朱仲妮 from Los Angeles, America

    I used to study in America to pursue my master degree, and before I went back to my country I traveled with my mother to San Fransisco and I purchased a bag in Kate Spade’s shop, which is made of beef’s skin, I guess. And I’m really regretted when I take it home. So I ask a dharma brother about how to deal with the bag, he said, you can donate it if you don’t want to keep it anymore! So I took his advice and gave the bag to others. I was really appreciated my dharma friend and I don’t want to buy any animal’s skins bag anymore!
    Thank you!

  • A small donation (1/24/2021) by Zhongni Zhu from Beijing, China

    My story was that, he’s my former colleague, and recently his colleague’s relative was in illness, and in China, you know, there are some websites that can help the people who are sick but don’t have enough money to cure their diseases to raise money. And my colleague share the post and said, “My colleague’s relative is in illness, please help him. ” And I click the button, so I can see the page which I can donate money through the website. My colleague is a good guy, so I want to help the person whose health condition is not very well. So I donate 20 RMB to help him to raise the fund to pay the high cost of the medical treatment. It’s not a big deal, but it’s a good way to memorize the friendship between me and my former colleague, and a good way to help the society, so I’m really happy and I want to share this with you! Thank you!

  • Love and wisdom (1/19/2021) by anonymous from Beijing, China

    I’m a mom now. I finally understand my mom. How hard she is, and how hard every mom is. I wand to teach my baby to become a person with love and wisdom. When she grows up, she can help more people to learn to be peaceful and happy.
    I know I have little effort, but I believe children are the future of the world. Teaching my baby to be kind, can also make a nice change to the world.
    I sing Dizigui to my baby everyday.And smile to her as long as I see her, hoping she is happy after she grows up and she can influence more other kids in the near future.
    Hope everyine that Everything is OK!

  • My life (1/14/2021) by anonymous from Christchurch, New Zealand

    Buddha and Bodhisattva, thanks for saving me from suffering. I love you deeply for many lives. It’s so grateful that you guide me and protect me under any circumstances.