Good Karma Music Stories

  • May the cat can rebirth in world of Sukhāvatī (1/14/2021) by 空空 Empty Empty from 苏州,Suzhou, China


    On the 19th of December in 2020, I saw a cute got ran over by vehicles after work around 8:20 pm. I parked my scooter, repeated Buddha’s name, and carried the cat to the roadside garden. I dug a hole in the garden, buried the cat, and then prayed for this cat with sutra. May the cat feel the warmth of Buddha and Bodhisattva and let go of hatred towards humans, peacefully reach the world of Sukhāvatī.

  • love everyone (1/12/2021) by anonymous from

    life like dance. Love was no hug. Love is look at his/her foot and do what you do.

  • I recited the english version of ESB (1/11/2021) by Qin Min from Petaling Jaya, Malaysia

    I just finished reciting 1 copy of Earth Store Bodhisattva Sutra in English. It took be 1 hour 45 minutes.

  • Praising the upasika who repairs The Dharma Flower sutra (1/11/2021) by Huijiang from China

    About one month ago, I saw a book that is incomplete book . I drew near and found out that this is The Dharma Flower Sutra . I suggested one upasika that she could repair this book. One week later, she repaired that sutra book. I said, what you done is really meritorious!

  • Cards of Kindness (1/8/2021) by K L from London, UK

    2020 been a tough year for everyone, but it also gave us an opportunity to slow down, reflect and appreciate what we have in our lives and look inwards. While home schooling my kids , we often looked at Karuna Virus and found many inspiring acts of kindness stories. As Christmas was around the corner, we decided we wanted to do our own act of kindness. The kids created Christmas cards and gave gifts to the mail man and mail lady, who throughout this whole pandemic have been serving the community, delivering packages and parcels while we stay safe at home. The kids were excited to give the gifts and cards. The receivers were touched by the gesture, and said what made them really happy was the personalised cards from the kids. When the kids heard this their faces really lit up with joy and I reminded them this is how it feels to give, the joy of giving far exceeds the joy of receiving. We then decided to make more Christmas cards with good will wishes and sent it to a care home, hoping it will cheer up some of the residents there especially at a difficult time where they can not see their families. I hope this will now be a yearly thing we do during Christmas, where the kids change their focus from what presents they want to what they can give to others.

  • I Made a Wish (1/4/2021) by Lee from Malaysia

    I was listening to Rev. Heng Sure lectures on the 3 main practices of the Pure Land school of Buddhism from Dec 27-Jan 2, 2021. They are really great and easy to understand. During the dedication of merit session, I made a wish to be reborn in the Pure Land, can that be considered a good deed? (I hope so) 🙂


  • Medicine Master Mantra (1/3/2021) by Kimhoa from Las Vegas, U.S.A.

    Last night, after listening to dharma talk of Amitabha Rebirth and Avatamsaka Sutra, I retired myself to Medicine Master Mantra on the speaker. I closed my eyes and recited silently. Many years ago, I made a vow to accompany Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva to the hells to save living beings. As I was reciting Medicine Master Mantra I asked Medicine Master if he could help me through his powers to fulfill a wish…I wish to relieve the sufferings of all the Bodhisattva’s that endure hardship for the sake of helping all of us.

    I got a response. I had my eyes closed and saw a Bodhisattva dressed same as Kuan Yin and other Bodhisattvas with their golden jewels in their hair. It’s amazing how the response is so quick.