Good Karma Music Stories

  • The Sutra of the Medicine Buddha (5/8/2019) by Anonymous from Los Angeles, USA

    I recited the Sutra of the Medicine Buddha for all sentient beings that are suffering, and for them to quickly leave suffering and attain happiness and peace. I was inspired to do this by following other people’s example. I hope others who are reading this will be motivated to do the same. Reciting the sutra made me feel somewhat productive, in that I was doing something good for 20 min instead of something bad (although I had wandering thoughts). Thank you Rev. Heng Sure and Friends!

  • Transferring merit to national leader (9/17/2018) by Jin Rou from UKIAH, United States

    After reciting the Earth Store Sutra, I transferred the merit to the elected leader of our country, President Trump, that he might have the wisdom and compassion to lead our nation well.Although, a tiny drop in the water, I felt moistness in the air on that hot, dry mid-summer day.

  • The Longest Day (4/22/2018) by Tate from Foster City, US

    I see patients in a busy clinic. I see enough of them so that, the first visit consumes all my time for just the history and exam.I stayed an extra hour on my own time t’other nite to make sure a patient in great pain received some treatment to diminish her suffering.How did it make you feel? Felt good. (“You know that I would, now….” – J. Brown. No need to occupy my mind on my drive home. The harmonious sounds of the universe humming its approval were all that was needed. Let us know what inspired you to make that your act of kindness. Knowing it could have been my mother. (Maybe was at one point. Who knew?) Did your act motivate others to do the same?We’ll see. Anything else?T.

  • Kindness in duty (3/25/2018) by Dharma friend from East Sussex , United Kingdom

    I just wanted to clarify the use of the limited English language in our entry previously. I meant that what I do is not special, but simply a duty of care, from my perspective. And duty is a good thing. Buddha bless your patience with us.

  • Kindness in duty (3/25/2018) by Dharma friend from East Sussex, United Kingdom

    I wondered onto this site in search of wise music and discovered that I’m to share words of good deeds to receive the wonderful sounds. I have in the past shared experiences in the context of trying to explain a principle, or in the hope of providing a comforting perspective to others. But I never had to share experiences under the category of a “good deed”. So I initially struggled and couldn’t think of anything good that I’d done. I suppose because I never considered what I do as anything special, other than my duty. I was then reluctant to speak of such, as I’ve always said and done spontaneously and unconditionally. Though on further thought, I understood and respected the spirit of this concept; of why it’s important to share good ways, in keeping alive in the world the virtuous values of doing what is right, kind and good. I am a medical doctor by day, and so I hear and see the psychological and physical anguish of the thousands with their painful stories and circumstances of such pity. I do my duty to alleviate their anguish, no matter their background; I love them all. I am an employer to a large team of clinical and administrative staff; all of whom I care deeply about, as they have families to look after. I am a friend with ears foremost to staff and colleagues. At home, I am a daughter in every way and every day to my loving parents. Not a day has gone by without my checking in on them. Except for those years away when I had to study for my degree. I am a sister to many siblings and am only one call away in their need. I am a blessed auntie to many children. The older kids look to me to guide them through exams that I once successfully took, so I make time for them, and they are really good hearted and bright kids. The younger kids love my embrace and my play with them as much as I do, plus the sweets, and cartoons on my iPad. I teach all the children the importance of being kind in life, and never to laugh at those less fortunate – as this is cruel, and to help where they can. Just as I had when I was their age, as the school house captain once – in openly ignoring the bullying trend in the class; by taking into my circle of friends those who were bullied by others. I also encourage the kids to not be lazy and to work hard at what their hearts are set upon. They learnt to pray and have faith, as I did when I was their age. I am a Dharma friend too amongst Dharma friends, and we have interesting discussions at times in our quest for the right way in our spiritual path. No matter where I am, I never depart from thinking and doing what is right, what is kind and what is good. If this means being unpopular, hated, or having to protect the weak, then absolutely no problem. I have always been this way, because my grandparents and parents were kind in showing me the virtues of goodness.

  • Extending the Lifespan of the Dharma (3/22/2018) by Berkeley Monk from Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China

    Once I had the opportunity to teach over 50 bright young monks and nuns in China how to speak the Dharma and explain sutras. We met at Lingyinsi, the ancient temple in Hangzhou for five days and for six hours every day I have the blessing of passing on my years of experience gained from the late Chan Master Hsuan Hua in speaking Dharma. We sang songs, investigated Samantabhadra Bodhisattva’s Practices and Vows Chapter of the Avatamsaka Sutra, and told lots of good stories. I got back much more than I gave from the experience. I am sharing this story with everybody hoping that they will do more good and send the music here far and wide.

  • Homeless Family and Dog (3/6/2018) by Ashley from Denver, United States

    Back in Colorado I was out on a summer night and I saw a homeless man, woman and their cute dog. They were holding a sign that said “anything will help.” I gave the couple and dog 20 dollars.