Good Karma Music Stories

  • Coat for the Cold (12/15/2017) by Kyosaku from Eureka, USA

    I was cleaning out my closet and came across my old winter coat. Not long before, I had purchased a new one and it seemed like a waste for the old coat, which was still in great condition, to just hang there unused. I thought about all of the homeless people that pass their days in the streets around my office. With the winter cold and rain settling in, it seemed liked one of them could use the coat. So on my lunch hour, I drove down the street until I spotted a couple walking down the street. They look tired and cold, especially the woman, who clasped her hands to her chest in an effort to warm them. I pulled up, rolled down the window and asked them if they would like the coat. They said yes and took the coat. But then something happened that I will never forget. The women reach through the window and grasp my hand. Her eyes were tearing up and her hand shook with emotion as she gazed intensely into my eyes and whispered “thank you.” Those were the only words that passed between us, but I finally learned what the Buddha meant when he talked about a transmission outside of words.

  • Paying back the (10/20/2017) by NULL from Grand Rapids, USA

    On the outskirts of Perry, Michigan, a handful of monks reside and teach the Dhamma at Wat Dhammasala. When I visit, I bring food and donations for alms, and assist with work around the temple.I have introduced my parents and others to the teachings of the Buddha through visits to the temple.I have learned a great deal about answering the question “is this to the benefit of myself, and to the benefit of others?”.I hope others will find the benefits of the Dhamma as I have.

  • A few words (8/13/2017) by Maru O from Tokyo, Japan

    For more than 10 years I have been watching over and increasing my care to my fatherless son. Many years ago when I began to study the Lotus Sutra with my wife I shared a few of those words with him and even though he is Japanese he repeated those words in elementary school and also to an abbott of a temple where I chanted the sutra. One time when my wife visited the temple the abbott heard Rocky speak a few sutra words. The abbott was surprised and smiled. So even today Rocky likes buddhist things like incense, a bell and wooden block. Rocky has a learning disability and must be cared for daily but that’s not a problem because he has a buddhist heart.

  • The Encounter (7/13/2017) by Than Mai from Rosemead, California, The United States

    On that one Sunday in 1983 – While alone staying behind in the kitchen at the old Gold Wheel Monastery – and silently, I prayed the Buddha’s name. Others were upstairs chanting and following after the two Masters, who had completed their pilgrimage of three-step-one-bow. Grand Master Hsuan Hua stepped into the kitchen along with one of his lay-disciple, my friend’s mother, Grandma Julie. Grandma Julie explained that I could not understand Chinese – but, Grand Master smiled. His smile was just like my late Grandpa’s. Grand Master talked and Grandma Julie translated that “Buddha’s language is to be listened to with your eyes and, is to be spoken with your heart.” Then, I was told to go upstairs joining everyone and listening to Grand Master’s teachings. A little while later, I was seated on the front row and, right in front of him so that I could listen to his words with my eyes.I was devoured by his voice and my heart pranced with each of his words.This Encounter has changed my journey – delivering me onto a different ground. I am still learning to listen with my eyes – and, speaking with my heart. Moreover,Prances – my heart still,Devoured – my self is,Follow Grand Master’s light,Always – I with the heart and the eyes.With sincerity – sharing the Grand Master’s loving and kindness.Your disciple Than Mai

  • Can I drop you somewhere? (6/15/2017) by Bhumika from Vadodara, India

    I love to walk, but not on the busy roads that are full of vehicles moving in all directions, honking and creating a chaos. Every time I don’t have a vehicle and I have to walk I wish I’ll meet someone I know who is going in the same direction and will offer to drop me. When I drive I see a lot of people walking, mostly they are the ladies who work as house help and women (different age) who are on their way to/from the vegetable market. When I see them I feel like, What if like me they too are wishing for someone to come and drop them to their destination? Hene, I have started to ask them if they need a lift. Their initial response is “Do we know each other?” It has been an incredible experience so far. I’ve had some interesting conversations, the best are the blessings that I’ve received from them. Now every time I drive my eyes keep looking for those who walk on the sides of the road.

  • Helped a needy person. (6/14/2017) by Vivek Kokate from Pune, India

    Some days back I had went to a shop to buy goods, while returning a person approached me, and asked me for me some financial help. I helped that person with some money with which he could get some comfort. He smiled and thanked me !

  • Nothing special. (6/13/2017) by Honza Rypl from NULL, Czech Republic

    I was walking down the street, tryig to concentrate on the sensation on my feet, and I heard unusual psychedelic music, and my concentration got deeper. I could not help myself, gave them all my change and hugged them. Then I ran home a took a box of organic gemaicha tea and gave them to these buskers and chatted with them. I offered them a couch for a night but they traveled to another city.