Good Karma Music Stories

  • rescuing tadpoles (8/17/2016) by Luke from Houston, US

    After a short rain, the side road in front of my apartment became pond and I discovered hundreds and hundreds of tadpoles in the afternoon. Knowing that the pond will dry very soon, I used a bowl and a spoon to rescue as many tadpoles as I could to a local river and a lake. I did this for a couple of days and was able to save hundreds from drying up.

  • Reciting the Shurangama Mantra (7/22/2016) by Monk from Bailinsi, China

    In the morning I recited the Shurangama Mantra with all the monks at Bailinsi with a wish that the world will be free of disasters and difficulties. Surrounded by around a hundred monks, I could feel the mantra sounds resonating in my heart and within the Buddha Hall. May the sound carry throughout the world for the benefit of all beings.

  • Sharing (7/10/2016) by Harmless from Great Gaddesden, United Kingdom

    Every day I encounter an opportunity to practise kindness and generosity, either by helping with something practical or sharing some aspect of Dhamma. Earlier this week I was able to show a group of school children around a spiritual community, answer their many questions, and introduce them to meditation.

  • Providing Food for Bush Neighbors (5/18/2016) by Monk from Bonogin, QLD, Australia

    I feed my neighbors: a family of possums, lorikeets, currawongs, kookaburras, brush turkeys, and recite the Buddha’s name for them at the same time. I learn about their lives and make their stories visible in photographs, to raise people’s awareness of the dignity and sentience in the world around us.

  • 3 kids family looks for a better world to live in (4/27/2016) by Familia de 3 hijos from Vélez-Málaga, Spain

    We have just launched our first book about our search as a family for a better world. The adventure is being so exciting tha we could not earn money for sharing our story. So, we have decided to donor 100% of sales to 3 NGOs:

  • Mentoring and tutoring underprivileged children (4/15/2016) by Sunitha from Mysore, India

    Right behind an affluent neighborhood in my city is a neighborhood with struggling families. Moms are the backbones of these homes, where dads are into substance and domestic abuse. Moms work as domestic helpers and try hard to make the ends meet. The children go to their neighborhood’s public school, where the education quality is poor. Children lack the moral and learning environment at home. I spend 2 hours every day with a group of children in this community, teaching them concepts of Math and English. I also incorporate moral education, mindfulness, yoga, Brain Gym and study/memory skills in my classes. Both the children and I are thoroughly enjoying these classes and are making progress. The shine in their eyes when they get the concept being taught is priceless.

  • socks (3/22/2016) by JoeG from berkeley, usa

    gave some socks to homeless folks in Oakland