Good Karma Music Stories

  • Sungai Buloh Settlement (7/16/2015) by Chew Saw Phaik from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

    Sungai Buloh Leprosy Centre, a legacy of the British government, was built in 1930 to cater for the leprosy victims then. It catered specifically for those suffering from leprosy, which at that time was considered an incurable disease. After some 85 years, there are sill 70 to 80 victims staying in the dilapidated centre. On 15 Aug 2015, Sungai Buloh Settlement, as it is also known, will be celebrating its 85th anniversary. An open day will be organized on that day. In my small way, I had purchased some coupons to the celebration. My dear friend, a Mr. Lim would present the coupons to an old folk’s home and arrange for these senior citizens to the fun fair.I hope this little effort could in a small way be a reminder to the society of the forgotten people, who are in need of assistance.

  • A small act (7/14/2015) by Chui from Penang, Malaysia

    Last weekend I went to local newspaper company where usually people in need will publish their difficuties and ask for a help in a charity section of a newspaper. Hence, I donated to a few, poor and sick old folks that have no child and also a handicap kidney patient.I know I could not do much to really change their life but just a small token to support them with what I can.After donating, I make a sincere wish for them to leave suffering.

  • Reverend Heng Sure Talks in Kuala Lumpur on 10-11 July 2015 (7/12/2015) by Chew Saw Phaik from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

    My enlightened experience for attending Dharma talks by Reverend Heng Sure.On both nights of 9th July 2015 and 10th July 2015, my husband and I, were at the Dharma Realm Guanyin Sagely Monastery (Deng Bi An), Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia listening to a Dharma Talk by Reverend Heng Sure.We had not expected Reverend Heng Sure to be such a high ranking monk to be so humble. And he is technology savvy, meticulous and diligent at his work, and a good guitarist (the plucking of the strings are very clear)We sang two Buddhism songs, one to the tune of Amazing Graze, with him leading and also playing his guitar.We also learned that Sudhana, in Hua Yen Jing (Avatamsaka), as a young pilgrim, how he achieved Buddhahood in just one lifetime. Reverend Heng Sure drew the comparison of Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud, two psychologists’ theories to what had already being expressed in Hua Yen Sing. How Sudhana overcame his inner fears. He further lead us the example as depicted in the movie with Keanu Reeves in the lead, ‘The Little Buddha’.We also noted he was agitated by the ‘un-professionalism’ of the assigned technicians to the setting up of the projectors / computers etc. And he tried to accommodate those on the floor, those eagerly snapping away with their smart phones, which actually was quite an irritant. As Reverend Heng Sure began his greeting on the first night: “you must listen with your heart”, and yet we wonder how many of us actually do, when our fingers were busy swiping away on the screen of our phones! Of course, we are not perfect, for I also busy taking down the notes.At the end of the Talks, we were advise that each family is entitle to a CD to take home, but we decided to earn it, so we let other families have it.I want to pen down my good experience on the two nights to earn a CD from We look forward to his next visit and Talks.

  • Food Offering to Rev Heng Sure (6/15/2015) by Anna from White Salmon, USA

    I was blessed to see esteemed Rev Heng Sure perform on a banjo the other day. It brought me such joy. Today I was doubly blessed to offer Rev. Heng Sure a food offering for his meal. Thank you so much for visiting our little town. I hope you are able to visit again soon!!!! And my dogs were pleased to make your acquaintance! Thank you for returning their greetings.

  • music (8/13/2014) by KD from Ukiah, USA

    I didn’t do an act of kindness I can remember at the moment, but I will share the songs with my students! Does that count?

  • Injured squirrel (6/21/2014) by Chloe chan from Atlanta, USA

    We were driving in our neighborhood and saw an injured squirrel on the road, but it was still alive/twitching. Stopping by on the side of the road, we asked the neighbor whose house was right there and we asked for a cardboard box or something so we could transport it to our backyard to help it recover. After a while, they came up with a pizza box and we brought the lucky squirrel home and left it in our yard. The next day, he was gone. Apparently he found a new home to live! 😀

  • Helping (6/15/2014) by summer georgia from Atlanta, GA

    At the Georgia Buddhist Camp on Saturday morning when breakfast was almost done the monk wearing glasses that was a woman told us to help her eat her Cantaloupe because she was full. Me and my friend Clarice helped her to finish.