Good Karma Music Stories

  • Stepping out of the way (6/5/2014) by Jess from Melbourne, Australia

    Old lady coming down the footpath on a wheelchair, stepped out of the way so she could easily pass.

  • Donating (4/21/2014) by John from Singapore, Singapore

    I donated some money to the charity=)

  • Gratitude for a Friend (4/20/2014) by Alvin Chai from Singapore, Singapore

    My best friend who is always going through thick and thin with me and doing things to help me through difficult times. Slowly because of work we stopped communicating and became distant. Yesterday something happened and she had to help me cover up at work and “saved my ass”. Then she said she is disappointed that I lost trust in her because I didn’t tell her I would be late and the reason for being late. I felt really sorry I showed mistrust in our relationship because we used to be best friends. But she felt things changed. I couldn’t help but felt sour, and I cried, and I held her hand and told her how much I am grateful for her and our past. She patted me and said things will get better, we will find back those feelings. Today I am grateful for my best friend, we grow up, and we watch out for one another. Love comes in many forms, friendship is one of the most amazing LOVE there is.

  • stories delivered (4/9/2014) by archofstars from Charleston WV, USA

    Printed a beloved short story and left it at a bus stop for someone else to read. Hope it’s the first of many.

  • Donation on the streets (4/8/2013) by Danny from Singapore, Singapore

    I just donated some money to a disabled performer on the streets =).

  • Share recording (3/27/2013) by Edwin from Singapore, Singapore

    Today I decided to share your recording of your life performance song on “City of Ten Thousand Buddhas” with my dearest friend.

  • When in doubt go for it (3/18/2013) by Joanie from NULL, USA

    I was on facebook and read about a family whose two year old son had to be medically flown to a hospital about three hours away for major problems, kidney shutdown and pneumonia. This was going to force the family to shut down their family owned store/ deli so that the father could be with his little one. I have never run a store before and come from a completely different line of work but I knew this man needed to be with his family and the business needed to stay open. To make a long story short, I ran the store, learned to make a mean sandwich and met a lot of wonderful people as i was able to watch first hand a community come together to help this family. We were able to keep the deli open and everyone is now back home and healthy!!!