Good Karma Music Stories

  • Saving lives (3/16/2013) by KOON from SINGAPORE, Singapore

    Venerable Heng Sure,Thank you for coming to S’pore to give dharma talk. Pls come more often.I donated 37 times of my blood. I vow to donate to 100 times as long as I am healthy to do so. May my blood be used to save those who need it.Amituofo

  • Giving my Dad & Grandma a massage (3/14/2013) by Zhisheng from Singapore, Singapore

    After hearing Ven Heng Sure’s talk on Filiality, It really struck me and straight after the talk, I went up to my Dad and Grandma and offer them a massage on the leg. (Writing this largely because of the free music though lol)

  • Brought tissue from an old lady (3/13/2013) by Steven Chin from Singapore, Singapore

    I was browsing some exhibition at the Library lobby, one old lady come across and ask me if I would like to buy some tissue paper from her, I brought 4 small packets from her, hope this can make her day bright. Amituofo.

  • Mother of mine (3/13/2013) by World Peace from Singapore , Singapore

    My mother passed away exactly on christmas day 2012.we were having family brakfast together, my siblings and I and my mum and dad, little di we know that was the last time we see her too :(To commemorate her passing away I will pay my respect to her her daily for as long as I live, she ia a great mother and caring and protectively mother. Though she is no longer here, in my heart she is always there. Sadhu Sdahu Sadhu.Gilbert

  • Sharing of Ven Heng Sure talk (3/13/2013) by Peng Leong from Singapore, Singapore

    Prior to attending talk earlier, I had sms-ed out to 20 – 30 friends and upon leaving I had sms-ed out for the 2 additional talks to also 20- 40 pax. There are some overlaps. These I sms-ed are in one way or another have interests or have attended some buddhist teachings in one way or another.The same way I got to know of this talk is through the sharing of a dharma sister Sumana.Thankfully, it is a good reminder to have strong resolution on Bodhicitta as it is crucial for us esp at such degeneracy of our times.

  • Speaking Dharma (3/13/2013) by Berkeleymonk from Singapore, Singapore

    I plan to tell everybody who will listen about Buddhist Music and write songs to inspire people to bring forth the Bodhi Resolve.

  • A Roof (2/6/2013) by Nicky from Amsterdam - Gold Coast, Netherlands - Australia

    When I was visiting Melbourne, I stayed at a hotel with my parents – in separate rooms. After my parents went to bed, and I went out for drinks with my friends, I met an Australian guy that was travelling around with a minimum amount of resources – money and clothes. He was a very nice and happy person, a free spirit. Not needing much to enjoy life. When the night ended, I asked him where he would stay tonight: he did not have a place to stay and was considering his options (which weren’t many). I invited him to stay at our hotel – which he gratefully accepted. We enjoyed talking about life until he went to sleep and the next morning I left quietly so that he could rest and shower. I left my contact details and he sent me a very thankful message. I hope this one counts as a good deed!