Good Karma Music Stories

  • Random Acts of Loving-Kindness (5/23/2011) by BuddhaBob from London, UK

    Due to injury, I have been unable to work for the last few years and thus making it difficult for me to continue good deeds wider in the world and keep up donations to charities. But I hold these actions very close to my heart, so still do what I can ever day: I speak to my friends daily and help them with their troubles – no matter what it is. I am very close to my family (especially my mum and nan) and help them with daily household tasks. I also have two very loving dogs who I show equally the unconditional love they show my family!I am not one to play myself up, so this was rather difficult to write, but I hope that my little story can help motivate those in a similar situation to me, to continue with little acts of kindness where possible in their day despite set-backs.Metta to all! 🙂

  • Act of kindness (3/19/2011) by NULL from NULL, Singapore

    HiI wasn’t too sure what was “labelled” as a good deed. Was it to speak words of kindness? Was it to harbour kind thoughts? I was thinking of probably something more than that… I started doing voluntary work more proactively and realised… it really didn’t matter how big or how small the act of kindness was. It simply means doing it with a heart of compassion.I find joy in involving in animal liberation and helping out at Homes for the aged. Hope to do more and hope to have more people join in the fun :)With kind regards.

  • listening made her happiness more important than mine (2/4/2011) by Anna from NULL, UK

    I am currently decorating – quite a large and time condensed project – and I have got an extraordinarily busy time at work due to colleagues’ illnesses. Therefore I had agreed with my daughters that we would need all hands on deck on the weekends to clear rooms, move boxes, clean up etc. My middle daughter asked to go to a party last weekend and my knee jerk reaction was to just remind her of the agreement and bury myself in work and carpet rolls again. she seemed rather withdrawn though, so I put down my stuff and listened. she then told me about the fact that as a rather scholary child she felt that there were not may others that shared her interests and even though she got invited to many parties this one was important to her as it was one where she felt she would be more understood rather than just having superficial fun. We talked a lot about this and I spontaneously gave her a day off from all household and decorating help taking on her share of the duties and clearing her room to let her go. I did not mind the extra hard work as I felt happier with her happiness than I would have with the extra time or progress for myself.

  • My Gratitude to all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas (1/31/2011) by Auspicious from Singapore, Singapore

    I wish to express my gratitude to Guan Shr Yin Bodhisattva and Earth Store Bodhisattva for their kindness shown on me. I was visiting my Chinese physician for my weak leg. It was crowded on that day and I was told to come back after lunch. I planned to have my lunch at home after seeing the physician as finding vegatarian food within that area is difficult. Nevertheless, I went to explore the area and as expected I wouldn’t find any food stall selling vegetarian food, so I went back to the clinic. As I started to recite Great Compassion Mantra while waiting, one of the physicians told me there is one vegetarian food stall nearby and she even led the way. When I reached the food stall, to my delight, they were selling one of the food I wanted to eat for long time. I recite Sutra of the past vows of Earth Store Bodhisattva every day. In chapter 6, it said, “If they can recite this sutra once on each of these ten vegetarian days, then there will be no accidents or illnesses in the family, and there will be food and clothing in abundance.” I sincerely hope all of us would cultivate the way vigorously to repay the kindness of all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, Venerable Master Hsuan Hua and all great teachers.

  • Helping others as they are you (1/18/2011) by fracoquitos from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

    I have been giving small amount of money every month consistently over the last 10 years to help others (but feel shameful that although my income has been increased significantly, but the donation I made is not).I read somewhere that:”When we are happy and fortunate, always remember that there are others who are not so fortunate and need our helps.When we are sorrow and unfortunate, always remember that there are others who are even worst compare to us, so be content and not be greedy.”In whatever we do, try to think of other people perspective, and asking “what happen if I am that person…”. Take other person as if it’s yourself, and always try to benefits other people.and in whatever happens, don’t be angry or having hatred… My friend always told me that, and I am still learning.That said, I feels that I should contribute more, I should ask myself when I am about to make unnecessary spending that… “If that amount of money is better off giving to others?”

  • The Thankful Son (1/15/2011) by Raphael from Grieskirchen, Austria

    as far as i can remember i never really appreciated what my parents had done for me in the past. they always stood behind me, no matter what the issue would be, helped me in my helplessness, cared about me even if i didn’t care.i didn’t fully appreciated that the two always tried to be the best parents, to make me happy, to give me the feeling that they really love me, and that it was never their intention to harm me in any way. Sometimes my mother would ask me a little favour, like washing dishes or cleaning a room, or simply to close the door to the kitchen in the winter in order that it wouldn’t get cold inside. But i never really listened, never realized how little she demanded of me, with such little things. After all she and my father did such a tremendous job.As an act of kindness, from some day on, i really paid attention, listened to them more carefully, asked them more about how they they are or simply said “was a hard day at work hm”, and hugged them heartily.since then i tried more often to help them in normal day life, offered them my help, and more importantly for me, i got never again angry or mad at them if something went wrong or if i wasn’t satisfied with something, because now i know that all they did for me was with an act of love. they most important thing is to return this love and be kind, this is what i have learned now.i turned 20, and i am thankful to have learned this now.even if you will never read this, i really care about you and i am glad that we are all healthy and alive.thank you 🙂

  • New Year’s Fire (1/12/2011) by Marianna from Redwood City, CA

    I was feeling very weighed down with things to do on New Year’s. I spoke to a neighbor who came by and learned there had been a fire that morning at a home on the next block. Although I felt busy I went to check on the home, and found one of the tiny apartments in the single apartment unit on that street was completely destroyed. It was boarded up, with a pile of burned possessions on the patio. I spoke to the man who was going through the items and found he had just come home from several days work shift and found it that way. His hands were black with soot. The sky was threatening rain. I asked if I could help and offered cleaning supplies. I brought a bucket, plastic bags, warm and cold water, cookies and gloves. I called Red Cross and asked them to send someone. I checked on him again when it was dark and asked my housemate to pick up some dinner for him. We brought him hot coffee and food as he waited for his wife to show up. She was waiting to get a replacement to cover her shift at work, and he said he needed to go back to work the next day. I left them my phone number. It was a small amount of help but I didn’t want him to feel he was facing this alone. It meant less of my work at home got done but I felt more grateful for my home and dry clothes and that my boss would let me take time off if this happened to me.