Good Karma Music Stories

  • Only A Few Minutes (1/10/2011) by Ron B. from Davenport, United States

    My mother and I were coming out of the Walmart to my vehicle. I was placing groceries in the back while my mother got in the passenger seat. An elderly lady was standing behind my vehicle with a puzzled look of her face. She lifted her keyring and held it in the air then looked around. She did this several times and I came to realize she was looking for her vehicle. Two men walked beside her and told her they heard the horn from the other side of the parking lot at the other Walmart entrance and proceed to walk inside the store. The lady still looked confused so after I finished putting our groceries in the vehicle I told my mother to give me a a few minutes.I walked up to her and asked her if she was having a hard time finding her car and she said she couldn’t remember where she parked. I replied let’s see if we can find it and I asked if I could have her keyring. She handled it over to me and I walked in the direction of the other side of the parking lot. I didn’t walk far in order not to get too far from the sight of the owner of the vehicle. After about 2 minutes of pushing the button on the keyring, I saw the flashing lights of her SUV. I went to where she was and told her I found it. I showed her where it was and helped her with her shopping cart.The smile on her face was all that I needed to see in order to know she appreciated the help. She may remember the kindness that only took a few minutes to show for possibly a lifetime.

  • Dog saved by Christian and Buddhist on Christmas Eve (1/7/2011) by Howard from Beijin, China

    On Christmas eve there are four students surounded a dog just hit by a car. Bleeding from the dog’s mouth and curling on the middle of the street. When people tried to hold her to the road side, she barked and bit, still laying on the middle of the crowded street. When I saw this, I went to buy a glove then walked to the dog, deal a while with the dog’s defending then decided to took off my coad to cover the dog and hold her to the roadside.Took another one hour under frozen wind to settled the dog to a carton box and get into the subway station for no taxi and traffic jam on that eve. No doubt that my cold getting much worse since that night. A Buddhist working with four Christian girls to save a dog on Christmas eve.

  • Helping the homeless (12/13/2010) by Landis from San Francisco, USA

    I help the homeless in the park across the street by bringing food out to the park and by giving small gifts of cash when I can. I bring my dog out to meet them regularly. He loves people and when they see my big, gentle dog, all barriers go down…they want to touch him and pet him and he loves this as much as they do. It seems to make everyone very happy.

  • The monks of the Pacific Hermitage (12/9/2010) by Erica from White Salmon, United States

    I live a few miles down the road from the Pacific Hermitage. A few days ago I invited the monks to my home for their daily meal. It was beautiful to see the three venerable monks walking down my driveway in the snow with the neighborhood dogs “welcoming” them. When Venerable Thitabho saw my fiddle he suggested that I might like your music and later provided the link to your blog and music. Wow! What a treat! So wonderful! And what a wonderful and kind way to share your music… by passing on the kindness.I offered the monks the meal and shared it quiet awareness. Before leaving they chanted a blessing, filling my home with their voices and kind energy.I feel so fortunate and blessed by their presence and their offerings to this community.Thank you for sharing your lovely music.With metta,Erica

  • i like buddhist song (12/7/2010) by park kyumpyo from seoul, korea

    I like buddhist music & song.Today while I searching web by google, I found paramita, American buddhist folk music. I really happy to listen these songs. Expressly ‘Samadhi Shoes’ is very good to me.

  • immeasurable joy from 5 cents dana (12/5/2010) by Seng Wah from Singapore, Singapore

    I was in the queue at the cashier 2 days ago when I saw a 5 cent coin right on top of my dollar notes in my wallet. Just as i took it in my hand, i heard the cashier telling a customer in front of me that he had given her short of 5 cents. I couldn’t believe my ears of the coincidence and immediately handed the customer the 5 cent coin. He was most appreciative and thanked me profusely. The simple act touched my heart, too. I felt simply good that i did the right thing. As a healthcare provider, I have many opportunities to do good but somehow, this act had an impact in me. I wish I have more such opportunities 🙂 Thank you for reading …

  • Simple Act of Kindness (12/3/2010) by Extend your kindness from Singapore, Singapore

    I was waiting for the lift with my wife to descend to the ground floor after a meal on the 2nd floor of a food centre. We were slightly late for an event, and therefore was in a slight rush. When the lift came, we immediately entered, and I pressed the button for the ground floor. The lift door started to close, but I noticed there was an elderly man, with some difficulty walking, trying to rush for the same lift. I was sure the man has had a stroke, judging from the way he walked, and the difficulty he had in coordinating his limbs. I immediately reached for the ‘door open’ button, pressed and held the door open, and smiled to him as he entered the lift slowly. He reciprocated my smile. It warms my heart.