Good Karma Music Stories

  • accidentally fulfilled a dharma sister’s wish + distributing food to low income families (11/22/2010) by WJ from 0, SG

    today (22nd Nov 2010) was a joyful day. in the morning, i met up with fellow dharma sister Lynn for breakfast and handed over to her a set of DVD – Venerabele Hui Lu’s dharma talk on Diamond Sutra. I didn’t expect that she was overjoyed – she had been looking for the DVD for quite some time and in fact had made a wish that she someone could pass her the DVD…. Giving brings happiness – not just to the giver, but to the receiver as well in the evening, i joined a group of regular volunteers for a weekly food distribution project (initiated by a local social enterprise Food#3 Cafe) and we managed to distribute about 79packets of organic brown rice with lots of veggies… i would like to share the joy with everyone and may everyone be well and happy : ) with Metta

  • Helping my mother do housework (11/22/2010) by Qiang from Singapore, Singapore

    Today is the first day of my school holidays. As I am learning housekeeping, I help my mother to put in the mattress linings and mop the floor. I feel good because not only have I helped my mother do housework, the house is neater and less dirty. My family members can now walk around in the house on a cleaner floor. I am also happy that my mother praises and thank me for my help.

  • The sruprise visit at the watercooler (11/21/2010) by Hap Chang from Singapore, Singapore

    While at the water cooler to get my drinks today, 3 young girls from Singpapore Polytechnic suddenly came up to me and asked me if i wanted my laptop cleaned. I just stood there stunned for a moment until they continued to explain it is for a school project that they are doing where they are given $5 and with this $5, they are supposed to collect more money for some CLS Needy Fund. I thought it was quite interesting and invited them into my office and asked around if anyone wanted their laptop cleaned. In the end they managed to collect $6 altogether from my friend and I who had our laptops cleaned and another friend who volunteerily donated $2 when she heard of the cause!

  • Making My Colleague Feel Positive (11/21/2010) by Alex Thum from NULL, Singapore

    My company management has been putting a lot of pressure on my friend & colleague. He wants to retire early, but at the same time, he could not bear to part with his salary. Today, he told me that he would resign afterall. I told him that it’s indeed a good thing to do. He could spend more time with his family & children. I see him brighten up and I am happy for him. We had tea chatting about life.

  • Nothing much (11/21/2010) by Yeow Tang from Singapore, Singapore

    I simply spend my day staying at home, which i didn’t really do so in the past 2 months. I talk to my mother to let her know that I really care about her. I also sent my girlfriend home and hugged her. It’s just really happy today that I have done the right things. =)

  • Source of Inspiration (11/20/2010) by Frank Feng from Singapore, Singapore

    Dear Master Heng Sure,I enjoyed your use of the song Amazing Grace in your melody to In Praise of The Buddha. The Amazing Grace touches my soul every time I listen to it. And I understand the melody came from African natives who sailed across the ocean to serve as slaves in America back in history, and the melody can be played using just 5 black notes. I can feel their anguish coming to an unknown land and yet, uncontrollable of their destinies. I love the melody, and I love the song whatever lyrics that may fill it. May the people of the world be blessed, and may freedom ring…Yours Sincerely,Frank Feng

  • Just a taxi ride (11/20/2010) by Nelson Ng from Singapore, Singapore

    Wake up early to take a cab to attend a charity marathon. Reached the front of the queue and manage to get into the cab alone. Seeing that there is another 3 person behind me waiting to go to the same destination, I just let them hitch a ride 🙂 Nothing really any great act of kindess I suppose.