Good Karma Music Stories

  • Starbucks Rendezvous (8/23/2007) by Taffy from The Bay Area, USA

    While I went to get my Starbucks one day, I noticed a little old lady. She appeared to be homeless, but she was not asking for money from anyone. I carried on and bought my drink and saw her again once I came back outside. At that point, I saw her digging in the garbage, still not asking anyone for any money. It hit me that she could very well be anyone’s sweet little grandma, but here she was just digging through the garbage for food of some sort. I went up to her and gave her the rest of my remaining cash.

  • Cookies (8/22/2007) by Kristy from Walla Walla, USA

    I made cookies (they were vegan, so mostly healthy) for all my co-workers. I found that it allowed me to relate to them with somewhat more metta and openness.

  • Hug (8/20/2007) by Mr Clean from Calgary, Canada

    Today I gave a hug to my mom for free.

  • letting go of self interest (8/20/2007) by Jin Lin from Vancouver, Canada

    Yesterday I realized that many times I am lost in self interest thinking while getting upset with my wife. I resolve to cut down on this habit

  • Beings (8/16/2007) by V from Turku, Finland

    I wished happiness to all beings.

  • One day (8/14/2007) by Chin Shan from Augustow, Poland

    Dear Dharma Friends! I spent one day in Rehabilitation Center for the chronically ill (particular childern). One therapy method is horseriding. A designated person would place the patient securely on horseback and another lead the horse around. My job was to lead the horse ridden by a sick person. Most of the time I’v been reciting the name of Guan Yin Bodhisattva.The kids were very happy, and some of them were ready to ride even in the rain:). The horses sometimes appeared bored, but they never rebelled and seemed happy to continue.It occured to me that horses are often mistreated, but when treated well, on the other hand, an opportunity might be created for them to achieve something positive in order to erase bad karma and facilitate good conditions in the future. I had a very nice day in the Center, and I hope that we’ve done some good. May all living beings be good and well. Chin Shan

  • be arware of the all kind of trash (8/14/2007) by Tarina from Espoo, Finland

    I have maken promise to myself that I pick up at least one trash a day. I know it is not enough that I remember that I don´t litter. I was at the park yesterday playing and I cleaned this little area from some candy papers. It came to my mind that we have all kind of trash: Also the things that we say can be considered to be as trash – some kind of noise we make can also be like trash to someones ears. I will continue to pick up at least one trash a day, but I will also pay more attention about other kind of trash.For example I wish no to yell too loud if it is not necessary and not to play music or tv too loud either, specially if there is other ones around.It is also important not to litter our inside. I have been thinking of being without candy for a while and save that money for better reasons, but I will start after I have had my birthday party next week. My cousin was without candy year and now she does not eat candy that much any more as she used to before. She does not need. So I will be more aware of all kind of trash.