Featured Good Karma Music Story from Lucas
This week’s story comes from Lucas in Utah, who checks in often with his friends, goes on walks with them, and has picnics with them to help ease their minds if they are going through hard times. “When my friends are going through tough times, I usually try to talk and check up on them as often as I can . . . Occasionally, I do try to take my friends out on walks or picnics to try to get them to get some fresh air and perhaps distract them from their problems. Picnics always seem like the best option, because it gives us time to both talk and stuff…
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release stress
Featured Good Karma Music Story from QinJie
This week’s story is from QinJie in Seattle, who carried injured earthworms off of the sidewalk back to the garden. “After the rain in the morning, the earthworms crawled out of the mud, but they couldn’t crawl back after being stepped on by passersby. I picked up the two injured earthworms I encountered and sent them back to the garden.” Add your story to our Good Karma Music anthology, and get to choose an album to download for free at Good Karma Music.
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After the rain in the morning, the earthworms crawled out of the mud, but they couldn’t crawl back after being stepped on by passers-by. I picked up the 2 injured earthworms I encountered and sent them back to the garden.
Featured Good Karma Music Story from Nina
This week’s story is from Nina in Serbia, who remembered her friend’s words and surprised her friend with a rabbit plush to help him feel better. “My good friend complained to me how his anxiety has been awful lately and has kept him awake at night, and told me how he feels like he needs a silly little stuffed animal to hug at night to help. So, while I was at a bookstore looking for something to get myself, I noticed that they also sold cute stuffed bunnies and thought that I could get it for him. He loved it! I don’t know if it helped much, because he never…
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Volunteered to help a school prepare to launch a competition. I hope to download “Dedication of Merit” so that I can formally transfer merit for any small acts/thoughts of kindness. Grateful for this project.
Featured Good Karma Music Story from Michael
This week’s story is from Michael in Santa Clara, who shares how he approached and invited a coworker to eat lunch together, a gesture that gradually built rapport with his team at work. “Personally, I’m more of an introvert, so I know how it feels to be with a group of people yet at the same time feel excluded or left out. At work, we usually have team lunches once a week. One time, I went with some of my fellow coworkers but saw someone else standing alone away from the group. I approached them and we chatted over lunch, and they got to know me and my coworkers better.…
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I try my best to help sick people by listening to their struggle.
Creating New Podcast
Purpose This post describes steps to create a new podcast so it can be hosted on the dharmaradio.org, listed on Blurry directory which allows us to get statistic, and make the podcast available on Apple and Google podcast This post does not cover how to prepare podcast files. Overview To publish a podcast, it consist of follow major steps: Create a Category in Posts on the dharmaradio.org. This will be the name of your podcast Add Category to PowerPress podcast plug-in Upload podcast files to dharmaradio.org Create and publish one podcast post of the new podcast List the newpodcast in Blubrry, and get your streaming proxy info Update dharmaradio.org podcast…
Featured Good Karma Music Story from Neiya
This week’s story comes from Neiya in Miami, Florida. When she saw her mother frustrated that all of her grading pens weren’t working, she went to the store and surprised her mom with a new red pen the very next day. “The other week, my mother was complaining how she wasn’t able to grade tests because not a single one of our red ink pens was working. This is something that really upset her, given how small of a problem it honestly was, so the next day (on International Women’s Day, yep!), as I was on my way to class, I walked past an office supplies store and thought to…