Featured Good Karma Music Story from A & P
This week’s story comes from some students at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas! A & P helped set up for an event, as well as install hundreds of plants. “We helped set up the chairs, tents, and banner for Honoring Elders Day last weekend. Some of us volunteers also installed 480 plants over the weekend as well as a part of the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas’ new retention pond/sewage system. Only 3500 plants left to go! Very hard work, but worth every bead of sweat!” Tell us how you helped others at Good Karma Music and get to choose a complimentary music album.
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I meet shelter-less, car-less people who live wherever they find a small space. I noticed so many of all ages live this lifestyle. The one thing that is troubling is they have no transportation like a simple bicycle in which they so much desire and need. A few evenings ago, as i was riding my bike up the hill towards the great mountain canyon to dwell for the night. I came upon meeting a young man with his head held low but eyes up gazing at me. What i noticed was his beautiful smile and humility. He was pulling a small wagon that held all his possesions down the from…
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We helped set up the chairs, tents and banner for Celebrating Elder’s Day last weekend. Some of us volunteers also installed 480 plants over the weekend as well as a part of CTTB’s new retention pond/sewage system. Only 3500 plants left to go! Very hard work, but worth every bead of sweat! 🙂
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I assisted my sister translation
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Today, my mother and I helped the Buddhist temple washed some dishes, which were piling up. My mother was happy that we helped. It’s just a normal deed. I like the songs in Dharma Radio. So I’m just posting it to download the songs. Thanks.
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My family lives in the five floor of a six-storey building.There are many old mans living in it. One day I found that the lights in the three and five floor had been wrong. These two lights are in the public corridor. It is dangerous for the elderly to go downstars on the evening. So I asked my parents for a help and replaced them at once . After solving this problem,I am very glad to see these lights are shining at night .It’s useful for the old man in case of any unexpected accident. Menwhiile I hope these lights will illuminate the wisdom of native inhabitants in their heart.…
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I saw a dead squirrel in the lawn near the walking path yesterday, and transferred the merits of my evening chanting of Buddha name to him. May All be reborn in Amitabha’s Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss!
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I let person how lost he’s bankcard and phone use computer to disable and erase them using local computer. I also try to regularly save money for and donate to others for the sake of preserving Dharma.
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I woke up early at 6:45 to help with community testing