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    The good deed is one that is done several times a week and comes in many forms. I volunteer in a second grade classroom and lead environmental trips for Audubon. I teach Dhamma and meditation classes to people in various types of recovery. I facilitate recovery meetings. I help my 92 year old mother 5-7 days a week. I follow the eightfold path and keep the five precepts everyday.

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    我的新房子,冬天物业公司送了赠品–毛线织成的门把套,好看又防寒,冬天开门不冻手。就在前天,被几个小孩子给撸走了。门把手是不锈钢的,没有把套,开门关门时,手都很凉。如果是以前我会很生气,会想办法拿回来或者会在业主群里面开骂(年前就有业主因为此事骂过)。 现在我的处理办法是:心平气和地提醒家长们,孩子出于贪玩或者喜欢门把套拿走就走吧,但要和户主打声招呼。否则意义就不一样了。勿以恶小而为之。 我认为这也是一个善的行为。事情虽小,但也能看出来我自己的改变。 阿弥陀佛

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    Massage a monastic practitioner’s arm to ease and tame the pain

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    Help a friend who doesn’t know much about computer redeem online credit card point for gift cards.

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    When I first entering PhD, I lost the social life that I got used to, and I even felt that it was a waste of the “precious” work time if I went out just for social. After for a while, insulation and pressure came to me. When looking at the homeless on the street, I could even feel their pain. Then, I decided to buy some food for them whenever I am free or stressful. Eventually, this purchasing action became the volunteer work in a food distribution organization. I felt a sense of contribution and belonging. Now I can handle my stress easily and have better skill of helping homeless.…

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    I’m visiting my parents and trying to help them manage their healthcare. The system unfortunately is hard to manage.

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    This boy is 10 year-old, he lives in Ohio, US, but he does not go to a normal school who teach basic reading. School teachers not helpful, it seems like Amercian so used to to blame children when they do not have patience and responsible to teach. The boy is very angry if his mother check out book from library , he refused to read ang English word. I just found a tutor is willing to have a try to help this little boy learn reading. He likes master Heng Sure’s song, he likes to listen to his talk Saturday night’s lecture from 10:35-12pm he can listen all the way.…